Friday, July 23, 2010

Homemade burgers

Free time makes me wonder

Why do i spent so much money on McDonald's burger when i can make them myself?
I stumbled upon some recipe from a women's magazine (man, i have been doing so much stumbling lately, hahaha) so i was surprised to find that these aren't not only easy, but healthier to make on your own.
You just need some minced beef or chicken (Ramly's the best, the Saudi brand contained some unprocessed little bits of bones and there was this one time i bit the patty, i thought that my own teeth were falling! It scared me to bits!)

Then you add it some salt and pepper, some minced garlic and minced parsley to taste and some secret sauce. Ha...wanna know what that sauce is? I'll give you a clue, it started with W...
And you shaped it anyway you like, and grill them on a hot grill and if you desire slather on some cheddar cheese and grill them together. I simply cooked them using my Tefal non stick pan, talked about being healthy!

The taste? Simply yummylicious!

Oh, don't forget the buns. You can choose normal bread too (like we did because we forgot the buns..hahaha) and stack the patty with some fresh tomatoes, salads and mayonnaise. Rachel Ray despises mayonnaise, i wonder why...hmmm

These are great for your barbecue parties, or just as a midday snacking.


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