Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Our dream garden

After years of playing Farmville at Facebook...time to make this dream a reality
This is Jamie Oliver's garden. It is indeed a beauty
Someday i wished that we can have a garden just like this.

I found that gardening also relieves stress. While sowing and stabbing (??) the earth, i imagined that i am stabbing someone who i hated most. Well, not someone. In fact there are more than one people in this earth that i wished that they mind their own frigging business instead of mine. Bitter revenge as i would like to see it...much to my husband's chagrin...Heehaw...

My experience in gardening? Apart from years of Farmville...its pretty zilch though!

By the way, i changed our blog link to a name that is more memorable. its No more crazy cousins tongue twisters name..

Wish us luck people!


  1. nk wat kat rumah kempas ker?bagus gak... tnm ape yg patut.. nnti ayu balik jb leh tggl mkn je... btw bile kak iesa due eh?? next year ke dis year.. nk kire bajet beli hadiah baby..huhu

  2. Kak eisa due awal bulan 11 insya-allah
    memang tengah buat kat umah kempas tapi dengan perutnya membesar..teramatlah slow projectnya...yelah...cangkul sekali dah lelah...2 kali dah mintak nyawa..hahaha
