Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My first wedding cake

The wedding cake

I received an order from my former close friend to make his wedding cake last December 2009
**  i meant former because i dont know where he is now..Maybe off to his honeymoon..hyuk hyuk  :P **

So he ordered a 3 tier chocolate fudge cake which is easy peasy for me to make However i faced difficulty on one thing which was to find the desired figurine. Most figurines may look lovely to the naked eyes but once you peer closely, you can see how disfugured they can be. Like broken nose, crooked arm etc.

This then caused me to traveled all around Johor Bahru to find the perfect cheap figurine, which was then available in the cake supply shop in front our my house! hahaha.

It was a simple white fondant cake with some fresh mints and strawberries which was decorated on the spot at the wedding reception in order to preserve their freshness, and this is the final reult.

What do you think?

Up next, an all chocolate 3 tier wedding cake with mocca praline on the works..yummersss!

Stay tuned